Přehled komentářů
hospo vravel ze ich rozvesia :)...tak uvidime :D
("MEC" Efremov, 28. 5. 2010 10:55)Maximum travel to Russia 10,186 km (Luch Vladivostok - Baltika Kaliningrad) Distance not a problem for us)) If you wish to contact us - fcme@yandex.ru
(Fanda LM , 20. 5. 2010 21:52)h,,, tu druzbu by ste mohli skuuusit :) vyzeraa to zaujimavo či uz na hokeji alebo futbale :)
"Mec" Efremov
(Dalshe, 20. 5. 2010 8:50)
Chemist - a hockey club in Efremov. But more, we support the football team. Modern fan movement was formed in 2001. The football team is called Mees Efremov. Speaking at The 5th division soccer league. Playing only within Tula region. But, even though this fan movement we are at a good level. A few photos.
Fire show:
Banner - though CRISIS IN THE HEAD, but the thought alone in my head, BEER SEX AND SWORD Efremov.
Football tournament in Efremov among the various fan-motion:
Our performance at the central sports radio (93.2 FM), the country's program on Sword Efremov:
Fan-movement of our cities could be friends with each other:
Certainly the scale we have not so much as a top clubs. The more we share distance. But with time we could come to visit each other to arrange banner campaign, we could publish a joint scarf our two teams. From our side we say YES! Now the floor is yours.
PS most of the fan «Mec» is currently living in Moscow.
(javos.p, 16. 5. 2010 13:21)nabuduci rok v 1.lige Petržalka , SFM Senec a Moldava Nad Bodvou kua tí naši futbalisti precestuju celé Slovensko kua
zápas s Kubínom
(javos.p, 16. 5. 2010 10:04)najlepší bol fanklub 0-4 na toto treba silnu kávu s borovičkou či s hruškou kua debakel
(sino, 16. 5. 2010 6:36)oleoleee mikulas oleoleee mikulas oleoleooo mikulas oleolee
predpoved pocasia
(roger, 13. 5. 2010 19:17)
L.MIKULAS> Predpoveď na sobotu 15.05.2010
Prevazne velka, rano a vecer zmensena oblacnost a popoludni dazd.
Najnizsia ranna teplota 4 az 2 °C.
Najvyssia denna teplota 15 az 17 °C.
Prevazne S vietor 2 az 4, v narazoch 5 az 11 m/s.
- hadam vyjde pocasicko :)
(Julo, 28. 4. 2010 10:54)
Sino, ty nic nevrav. Tiez si bol v modrom.
Zaujimave, ze niekedy mozem na tuto stranku prispievat a niekedy mi pise, ze mam prilis vela prispevkov :)
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(roger, 29. 5. 2010 13:50)